Calendar Of Events

5th February - Parents Food Tasting with 'Educatering' - 4.30-5.45pm

6th March World Book Day .

14th - 17th April - Easter and Spring Activity week

13th June - Fathers 'Grab and Go' Breakfast

21st June - 'Woodyfest'

Please join us for our charity fun festival at Woodlands 11am-3pm.

12th July - Squirrels Leavers Celebration.

6th - 10th October Harvest Foodbank Collection

27th - 31st October 'The Pumpkin Farm' in the studio.

29th November - Festive Fun 10-12

7th - 11th December - WBerks Toy Appeal (Donation box in the hallway).

12th December - Christmas Jumper Day

15th - 19th December - Christmas Fun Week