Local Offer - Woodlands Is a fantastic nursery to care for your children....

Independent Nursery

Woodlands Day Nursery is a spacious purpose-built independent nursery, located in a woodland setting on the edge of Greenham Business Park on the A339.

The Nursery is accessible via a slope leading up to a double front door, with no steps and wide corridors creating a wide and easily accessible setting.

The Nursery is built on one level and consists of 4 Nursery rooms, training room, large kitchen, staff room and an office area. It is set in spacious grounds with outside areas for each of the 4 Nursery rooms, promoting free flow across the age groups; one of these areas is set on an upper level accessible via outside steps and a ramp via the side gate.

There is also a nature garden and vegetable/fruit garden on site, used to expand the children’s opportunities to explore nature and bring current indoor learning to the outside. The willow dens and ponds furthermore add to the endless opportunities for the children to stretch their imagination and encourage outdoor learning. 

Smooth Running

The Nursery Manager is responsible with the support of a Deputy Manager for the smooth running of the nursery.
Within each room there is a Room Senior who is responsible for overseeing the day to day running of the rooms of which they work in.

We currently have 24 adults working within the Nursery, 2 of which are qualified teachers, one who works within the preschool room and one who is our qualified SENCO and Education Manager.

We have 17 level 3 qualified staff members, 2 level 2 qualified staff member and 1 training towards level 2 qualification.

We also employ 2 further support staff, 1 of which is our chef who works with a kitchen and 1 of which is our housekeeper.
We are committed to ensuring that all members of staff are provided with a range of training opportunities that both meet the standard requirements and that seek to develop them as outstanding practitioners.

High Quality

The Nursery is committed to providing high quality care and education to all our children, striving to ensure we provide a stimulating environment based upon the needs and interests of the children.

Each of our rooms are provided with resources to meet each area of the curriculum, with areas within the rooms used to support these, such as a role play area and a creative area.
Staff are also encouraged to ensure each area is used across the curriculum, including maths opportunities outside through our nature cards which seek to encourage number, shape and measuring as well as creative/imaginative skills being encouraged within various areas such as the role play area, mark making area and through adult led learning opportunities.

We aim to take our inside learning outside as well as bringing our outdoor learning inside, encouraging children to explore, investigate and make links in their learning.
We strive to ensure children are provided with real life experiences, with children within our preschool room taking part in a First Aid course and all children getting the chance to see a explore a Fire engine!
We frequently expand the children’s understanding of everyday experiences such as hospitals, shopping and travel through discussions, role play and books... 

Supporting Diversity

The diversity of our children and our society is recognised at all times, with many festivals being celebrated; supported by a range of resources.

Children are provided with opportunities to share their personal experiences of different cultures as well as being encouraged to explore these within the nursery.

The diversity of languages is encouraged throughout the nursery with parents asked to provide details of any additional languages their child may speak, these are then used to support the children within their setting, working closely with the parents to see if the use of additional languages are needed to support their child with key vocabulary.