Key Person Approach

It is a mandatory requirement for every child to be allocated a key person in an early years setting. The key person will play a key role in your child's life. Research demonstrates how important this is. We want to create a 'triangle of trust' between you, your child and ourselves, as key persons.

The key person will get to know you and your child really well, finding out about your child’s interests, preferences and routines and will be the person that shares information with you about what your child has done during their time here. They also share information about their learning and development.

The key person role is important and our aim is to work collaboratively with you and your child to help every child to reach their full potential and succeed in life.

You are welcome to contact your child's key person via phone or via our 'Parentzone' app or alternatively arrange a meeting with them.

As your child grows and develops and transitions across our age groups they will settle and bond with a new key person. Please do keep us informed of any changes we may needs to be aware so that we can support your child to the best they can be.

If you child attends an additional setting to Woodlands please do pass us on the details of this so we can work and communicate together.

In addition to this information you may also find it useful to visit our section about 'Parentzone' where you will find further information about our communication app.